
HomePay is a payments infrastructure company. Headquartered in the US, HomePay primarily focuses on enabling cross border payments for emerging markets.

Global digital wallets, banks, and fintechs are leveraging our borderless network to unlock seamless, secure, and scalable cross-border transactions

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Remittance Gateway

Leveraging our robust remittance infrastructure, we engineered a white label remittance gateway.

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3DS Card Authentication

The directory service is designed to comply with the EMVCo protocol, supporting all card brands.

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White Label Remittance Gateway

  • Leveraging our robust remittance infrastructure, we engineered a gateway specifically tailored to the rapidly expanding Mobile Financial Service (MFS) sector in the country. This bespoke solution is designed to meet the unique needs of banks and foreign Money Transfer Operators (MTOs), enabling them to provide real-time remittance services with unprecedented efficiency and reliability.

  • In the first quarter of 2023, the white label remittance gateway was launched, enabling our partners to disburse remittances through various channels such as Mobile Financial Services (MFS) and the Instant Bank network.


Directory Service

  • The Directory Service is specifically tailored to streamline 3D Secure (3DS) transactions across any card network that adheres to EMVCo standards, ensuring optimal security and regulatory compliance. This solution plays a vital role in authenticating cardholders during card-not-present transactions, a critical component of today's e-commerce and online banking environments. By verifying the identity of cardholders in real-time, the Directory Service helps mitigate fraud effectively while enhancing user trust and confidence, making it an essential tool for modern digital transactions.